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Make health equal

Make health equal

The major political parties have previously said they want to close the health gap. We want to see this commitment to tackle health inequalities in the new government’s programme.

I SUPPORT #MAKEHEALTHEQUAL. I will work to tackle health inequalities and narrow the health gap between parts of the UK.
215 signatures 100 goal

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Suggested messaging for social media

Please save these images and share them on social media to share your commitment to #MakeHealthEqual. We’ve provided some suggested social media messaging – but feel free to make it your own.


Our health is shaped by the world around us, including [where we live / our environment / our community / how we work / the money in our pockets / how we learn and grow]. 

However, people living in parts of [constituency] could have a life expectancy of [X] years less than people in some other parts of the UK, due to factors like income, housing and air quality.  

Therefore, as the parliamentary candidate for [constituency], I am proud to support the campaign to #MakeHealthEqual. If elected, I will work to tackle health inequalities and narrow the health gap between parts of the UK.  




Right now, things like poverty and poor living conditions are damaging health and wellbeing and cutting lives short.  

This means that people living in parts of [constituency] could have a life expectancy of [X] years less than people in some other parts of the UK, due to factors like income, housing and air quality.  

Therefore, as the parliamentary candidate for [constituency], I am proud to support @health_equals’ campaign to #MakeHealthEqual. If elected, I will work to tackle health inequalities and narrow the health gap between parts of the UK.  

Previous UK party commitments on health inequalities


The Levelling Up Health mission states: ‘By 2030, the gap in Health Life Expectancy (HLE) between local areas where it is highest and lowest will have narrowed, and by 2035 HLE will rise by 5 years.’ This was enshrined in the Levelling Up Act 2023.


Labour’s health mission document states: ‘By tackling wider inequalities that lead to poor health, focusing on prevention and early childhood intervention, and shifting more care into the community, Labour will: Improve healthy life expectancy for all and halve the gap in healthy life expectancy between different regions of England.’

Liberal Democrats

The policy motion Transforming the Nation’s Health includes making the improvement of the nation’s health a key priority for government; emphasising prevention; addressing inequalities; adopting an ‘invest to save’ funding model.


Greens emphasize six policies towards a ‘Fairer, Greener country which largely link to Health Equals’s building blocks of health and wellbeing – homes, houses, schools, childcare, transport and water.


Please contact [email protected] for further information and publicity materials including locally tailored social media posts or press releases.
