We bring together expertise, influence and knowledge to shape a society where each of us has our best chance of good health, no matter who we are or where we are born, work and live.
In the UK, people who live in our poorest neighbourhoods are dying a decade earlier than people in the wealthiest areas. And evidence shows that these health inequalities are getting worse.
Health Equals was born out of the need to rebuild foundations to improve life expectancy and reverse health inequalities in the UK.
We are a group of organisations and voices across different sectors, including employment, housing, education and the environment, who all want to make a positive difference to society’s health and wellbeing.
Our Purpose
The world around us shapes our health and wellbeing. From quality homes that are warm and safe, to stable jobs, social connections, and neighbourhoods with green space and clean air, these are the building blocks that have a lasting and positive impact on people’s health, and reduce health inequalities.
These building blocks are not available to everyone, or not at the quality needed – but we can do something to change that.
While there’s growing evidence of the challenge, and some action to reduce inequalities, there has been limited take up of policies that prioritise access to the building blocks of good health and wellbeing.
Through powerful and evidence-based campaigns, we want to start a conversation about health and wellbeing that recognises the importance of the building blocks of health – and together make sure action is taken to prioritise these in policy, to ultimately create better health for people.

Health Equals is a group of people and organisations who want equal opportunity for health and wellbeing, for everyone.
We bring together expertise, influence and evidence to create change, working with people who understand what impacts health, from a variety of different perspectives.
We’re shaping a society where each of us has our best chance of good health, no matter who we are or where we’re born, work or live.
Health Equals brings together 28 organisations across different sectors and areas of focus, who all want to make a positive difference to society’s health and wellbeing.
Health Equals is a five-year campaigning initiative made possible by the Health Foundation, one of Health Equals’ founding members and an independent charity funded by an endowment.

The Heath Equals team are employed directly by the Foundation and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the initiative, working closely with members in development and delivery.
The Health Foundation is the sole funder of Health Equals. Health Equals has five years of funding agreed by the Health Foundation, with a gateway review in 2025.
Health Equals’ funding and governance arrangements sit with the Health Foundation. Find out more about how the Health Foundation is run.

As part of the Health Foundation, we’re committed to building the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion into our work.
Find out more here.
Check out our latest campaign and demand change by signing our petition and writing to your local MP to ask them to commit to #MakeHealthEqual. You can also follow us on social media and sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of this page to get updates from us on how you can help shape a society where each of us has the best chance of good health, no matter where we’re born.
As well as working closely with members, local networks, and agency partners, we fund embedded campaign development posts in member organisations to develop policy calls to action and a supporting evidence base, in non-health care policy areas.
While we are not actively looking to expand our membership, this is not the only route through which we engage externally. We’re always keen to hear from organisations who are interested in Health Equals and explore possible routes to working together. For enquiries about Health Equals membership, contact info@healthequals.org.uk.
We bring together supporters from across sectors to demonstrate the weight of collective influence and support for action on the building blocks of health. Our supporters put their voice to a bold and impactful initiative to make the case for change.
If your organisation wants to become a supporter, please fill out this form.
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