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Policy partnership posts: working in partnership to deliver policy change

09 February 2023

Tackling health inequalities through innovative policy solutions created in partnership with our members and the communities they work with.

Health Equals is funding a series of partnership policy posts within our member organisations to develop our policy positions and help us campaign for policy change.

These posts will work with our members and people affected by health inequalities to develop effective, evidence-based policy solutions which will be the focus of our future campaigns.

Further ahead, we will continue to fund partnership policy posts within other key building blocks of health and wellbeing to ensure we are campaigning to improve all the areas that cause health inequalities.

More about the policy posts: 


Crisis is the national charity for people facing homelessness across Great Britain, and campaigns for the changes needed to end homelessness for good. Every year they work with thousands of people experiencing homelessness, in 11 Skylight Centres across Britain, to help them rebuild their lives, access housing, and leave homelessness behind. They use research to continuously improve their  services and find wider solutions to end homelessness for good and campaign for the changes needed to realise this goal.

Their partnership policy post will focus on developing policy solutions to affordability in the private rented housing sector, a major cause of homelessness and its devastating health impacts.

Read Beth Exworth’s blog on this work.

Learning and Work Institute
Work and income

Learning and Work Institute is an independent policy, research and development organisation, dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. We research what works, influence policy, develop new ways of thinking, and help to implement new approaches. We want everyone to have an opportunity to realise their ambitions and potential in learning, work and throughout life. We believe a better skilled workforce, in better paid jobs, is good for business, good for the economy, and good for society.

Their partnership policy post will deliver innovative policy solutions to ensure jobs help instead of hinder health, and to support disabled people and people with long-term health conditions to move into or remain in work.

Read Jill Rutter’s blog on this work.

Global Action Plan
Air quality

Global Action Plan mobilises people and organisations to take action on the systems that harm us and our planet. They are an environmental charity that focuses on issues where the connection between the health of people and planet is most tangible. Their current focus issues are air pollution, excessive consumption and the education system.

Their partnership policy post will develop an ambitious policy framework for clean air, a basic right we are all entitled to.

Read Larissa Lockwood’s blog on this work.

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