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Launching the Health Equals Parliamentary Champions Network in Parliament

Our champions span the major political parties and have committed to campaign alongside us to #MakeHealthEqual and ensure action on the building blocks of health is front-and-centre in national policymaking.

Hosted by Emma Lewell-Buck MP, alongside the Public Health and Prevention Minister, our reception brought the ‘youngest ever protest’ to Parliament.

As part of our #MakeHealthEqual campaign, we partnered with renowned photographer Emli Bendixen to create a one-of-a-kind exhibition, shining the spotlight on 50 babies from across the UK to highlight the 16-year gap in life expectancy between places in Britain because of things like income, housing and air quality.

It provided a unique opportunity for MPs to understand the scale of health inequalities both nationally and within their own constituencies.

Which MPs are championing #MakeHealthEqual?
So far, we've had over 70

MPs show their commitment to narrow the health gap in parts of the UK.

Despite this momentum, we still need your help to keep the government to their promise.
Do you want your MP to commit to tackling health inequalities?

Sign our petition and ask them to champion #MakeHealthEqual

Here's a reminder of what we've achieved with our campaign so far

We’re calling for more to be done to tackle health inequalities and


Find out more