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Your voice can help us campaign against health inequality in the UK.

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Louis and Lorcan

Two little boys who have so much in common, from their passion for learning to their love for playing and dancing. They've got their whole lives ahead of them.

But because of things like income, housing and air quality, one of them could have their life cut short by up to a decade, simply because of where they are born.

Their story is not unique. Sadly, it’s a reflection of the alarming scale of health inequalities that are echoed across the whole of the UK. It shows how the places we grow up in have a huge bearing on our health and how long we live. 

That’s because our health is shaped by the world around us — quality homes that are warm and safe, stable jobs, clean air, green spaces, and strong social connections — these building blocks of good health and wellbeing lay the foundation for good health.

What's holding them back from good health?

We all want to make the right decisions — eat well, get out more, stay active. But life’s pressures mean we often make these decisions based on time, money and the options we have in front of us.

But right now, just like Louis and Lorcan, not all of us have equal access to what we need to live long and healthy lives.

Some of us will be surrounded by green spaces where we can exercise and play, warm, safe places to call home, and strong community links to lean on for support and wellbeing. Others of us might work long hours, juggle multiple jobs, or are struggling to get by after the bills are paid — holding us back from good health. 

That’s why we’re campaigning to change the conversation around health and #MakeHealthEqual.

What are the building blocks of health?

While access to health and social care impacts our health and wellbeing, these building blocks have a far stronger impact:

    • The money in our pockets 
    • A safe, warm, affordable place to call home 
    • Working in a secure and stable job 
    • Being able to get a good quality education, and have positive early life experiences 
    • Safe, supportive and accessible communities around us 
    • Accessing nature, green spaces, and healthy waterways   

When one building block is missing, our health suffers. For example, if our homes fall into disrepair, damp spreads, or we face rising energy, housing, and food costs, it can take a mental and physical toll.

When more than one is out of place, it can lead to stress, illness, and even cut our lives short.

So what does it mean for me?

Across the UK right now, because of things like income, housing and air quality, where you’re born can cut your life short by up to 16 years.



The national average81


Wondering how long you can expect to live, based on where in the UK you are?  

Put your postcode into our tool to find out the average life expectancy in your area and see how it stacks up against the national average. 


Use our interactive map to understand how health inequality impacts different areas

What could the road ahead look like for Louis and Lorcan?

We know from the first-hand stories of those who are facing inequality, what the impact can be on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Have a listen to the experiences of people working on the frontlines of health, housing, the education system, and more.

What can be done to tackle health inequalities?


Ultimately, we want all government departments to recognise their role in affecting health. So, it’s not just the Department of Health and Social Care. If you think about climate change, every department — from Transport to Business and Sport all consider their impact on the environment.

We want the same consideration for our health.

Our Health Equals Parliamentary Champions Network

Right now, we're building support from MPs who are championing #MakeHealthEqual in Parliament.

As well as campaigning alongside us, they promise to ensure action on the building blocks of health is front-and-centre in national policymaking.

Member solutions

Health Equals is a coalition of 27 member charities who are all working in their own way to solve these problems.

Meet our members

How can I help?

It doesn’t have to be like this. Together, we can make sure the building blocks of health are in place for everyone and create a future where we all have the opportunity to live healthy lives.

Do you want your MP to commit to tackling health inequalities?

Sign our petition and ask them to champion #MakeHealthEqual